

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 14:47:21 GMT
Three Killed Following New Attack in North Shoa, 400 Students Stranded
[Addis Standard] Addis Abeba -- A new attack allegedly perpetrated by the non-state Fano militia operating in the neighboring Amhara region has killed three civilian people, injured one, in the Darra district of North Shoa zone, Oromia region accordi...

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 11:37:23 GMT
Landslide in Kafa Kills Three, Displaces 24 Residents
[Addis Standard] Addis Abeba -- A landslide triggered by heavy rainfall in Decha District, Kafa Zone, on 25 July resulted in three fatalities and displaced 24 residents, according to the Kafa Zone Communication Office.

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 15:06:10 GMT
Landslide Disaster - More Than 50,000 People Affected
[Agenzia Fides] Addis Ababa -- "A shocking and disastrous accident. Many have lost their lives suddenly, more than 260 bodies have been recovered to date as reported by local news". These are the words that the Apostolic Vicar of Hosanna and Apostoli...

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 14:55:52 GMT
Ethiopia Expresses Dismay Over 'Unwanted and Irresponsible' Statements By Somalia Senior Officials
[Addis Standard] Addis Abeba -- Part of the weapons seized local militia in Somalia

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 11:37:01 GMT
Heart Attack Ethiopia Gears Up for Second Cardiovascular Mission to Ethiopia
[Addis Standard] Addis Abeba -- Heart Attack Ethiopia (HAE), a non-profit organization co-founded by Dr Tesfaye Telila, an Ethiopian-American interventional cardiologist practicing in Atlanta, Georgia in the US, and Dr Obsinet Merid, an Ethiopian-Ame...
